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የአክሲዮን ገበያ, የአክሲዮን ገበያዎች ዛሬ

የአክሲዮን ዋጋዎች

የአክሲዮን ዋጋዎች መስመር ላይ

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የአክሲዮን ገበያ ካፒታል

የአክሲዮን ክፍያዎች

ከካምፓኒ ኩባንያ ትርፍ

የፋይናንስ ሪፖርቶች

የኩባንያዎች የእርጅና ደረጃዎች. መዋዕለ ንዋይ አፍሳሽ የት ነው?

ዋጋ INLOT.AT በመስመር ላይ

Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services የአክሲዮን ዋጋዎች በእውነተኛ ሰዓት, ​​INLOT.AT የአክሲዮን ዋጋ, INLOT.AT ሰንጠረዥ.
ወደ ፍርግሞች አክል
ወደ ፍርግሞች ታክሏል
Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services የትርፍ ድርሻ መለዋወጥ ዛሬ 29 ሚያዚያ 2024

00:25:00 (የዋጋ ዝማኔ በ 58 ሰከንዶች


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Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services የትርፍ ድርሻ መለዋወጥ ወደ ዩሮ ቀጥተኛ ገበታ በ 29 ሚያዚያ 2024

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የዋጋ ታሪክ በየደቂቃው። የ Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services () INLOT.AT) ውስጥ በ በዚህ ገጽ ላይ ዩሮ የ 10 ደቂቃ ታሪክ የ Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services በ ውስጥ በገጽ ላይ ባለው ሠንጠረዥ ውስጥ ዩሮ ለቀላል 10 ደቂቃዎች የእሴቶች ሰንጠረዥ አለን ፡፡

15:08 13:28 11:43 09:58 15:15
0.62 0.62 0.62 0.63 0.68

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Sarrifka sarrifka ee shareecada Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services waxa uu ahaa 0.62 EUR saamiyada sarrifka አቴና እስክ ትሬንድስ 28/04/2023 15:08. Dalbashada qiimaha saamiyada Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ayaa la xidhay ዩሮ. Qiimaha furitaanka suuqgeynta INLOT.AT wuxuu ahaa 0.68 ዩሮ 06/04/2023 15:15. Sicirka ugu sarreeya ee Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services wuxuu ahaa 0.68 €. Tusmada ugu hooseysa ee INLOT.AT ayaa ahaa 0.62 €.

የማጋራቱ ዋጋ Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services

ፋይናንስ Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services